Table of contents
Our sites

On Lialaks in Solund we produce organic certified salmon smolt. Skogseidvatnet was where it all started back in 1972. Today this site hosts our hatchery, smolt production and head office.
By Varaldsøy and Snilstveitøy are four of our ongrowing sites in Hardanger. Our team at these sites won several prices for best production over the last years. In Hardanger we also find the new site Skotberget, which will host our pilot facility for the Watermoon technology®. Hardanger is also home to our visitor center Salmon Eye and the restaurant Iris.
In the Osterfjord we farm fjord trout and organic salmon. In Fensfjorden we find our two largest sites, which has been important in developing and testing new farming technology. These sites where the two first to try out snorkel cages in full commercial scale.
On Hundvika Aust in Nordfjord we also farm organic certified salmon, while Bakjestranda and Isane are used to conducting feed trials run by NorForsk in cooperation with our R&D partners the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and the Veterinary Institute (VI). Midthjell and Lyngholmane are new farming sites granted late in 2023.