Table of contents
Our organization

The salmon production in the sea takes place in Eide Fjordbruk AS and Norforsk AS. The smolt production (juveniles) takes place in Eide Smolt AS and the associated company Ænes Inkubator AS. Salmon Eye AS operates the visitor center “Salmon Eye” and Iris the restaurant. The harvesting activities takes place in the associated company West Harvest AS. Eide Seafood AS and Ydmyk Milano S.r.l. are the sales companies of the group. Eide Båt AS deliver operating services and vessels to the farming companies of the group. Watermoon AS and its subsidiary Watermoon Scotland Ltd. are focusing on developing and commercializing our new technology for the future of aquaculture, Watermoon®.
The group also holds investments in several other associated companies. Hålandsdalen Utbygging AS and Skjelbreid Poirée are local investments in real estate development and operations. Searis AS is a software-company. Sjømatstaden AS is a development project in Nordfjord aimed at commercializing new aquaculture species. Miljø og Havbruk AS offer de-lousing services.
This report cover all the group companies, but most of the material topics are only applicable to the farming activity in Eide Fjordbruk AS and Norforsk AS. The definition of a group company is a company where Eide has control, typically when controlling more than 50% of the shares and votes. The same companies are included in the sustainability reporting, as in the consolidated group financial statements.